Conférence francophone sur le thème de la sécurité de
Elle a eu lieu
à Rennes du 5 au 7 juin 2024.
Julien Vanegue is a predoctorate student in the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI). He is the founder of the ELF shell and the Embedded ELF debugger projects for which he realized the software architecture and development for now 6 years. His interrests are about program analysis, semantics, logic, reverse engineering, embedded systems and security.
Thomas Garnier is an engineer student at SUPINFO. For some years, he has a passion for reverse engineering and system development. He participates on the ELFsh project by improving tracing technologies with an embedded approach and working on unifying the ELF shell debugging format.
Sebastien Roy is a computer engineer interested in network and system security since 1999. He has been involved in elfsh to provide a disassembler engine (libasm) that is able to support several architectures. Sebastien is also at the origin of the ELFsh plugin modflow for enhancing control flow analysis in the project.
Rafal Lesniak is a computer science student at the Leibniz University of Hannover. He is the developer of the initial version of the fingerprint library (libmjollnir) inside elfsh. His interrests are about network assessment, reverse engineering and antivirus technology.
Rafael Villordo is a self-taught computer scientist that has interrests in both software and hardware hacking. Rafael works for Immunity Incorporation where he does general purpose and databases reverse engineering. He participates in the ELF shell by regular patches on various components of the framework.
Julio Auto is a computer science student at the Federal University of Pernambuco, one of the top-five universities of Brazil. Julio enjoys reverse engineering and program analysis. He contributes to the disassembly engine by improving its reliability for multiple architectures.